Story of Reedy Bedding

Reedy Bedding品牌因遠在歐洲有綠色威尼斯之稱的羊角村而命名,以遍地蘆葦海溫暖人心。一棟棟鄰合而建的蘆葦頂小屋,襯著河岸旁的株杆,叢叢蘆葦花恰似柔軟精緻絨毯寢飾,輕柔溫暖舒適。Reedy品牌深受VIP等高端寢具消費族群青睞。

Story of Romsey Bedding

以英國同名小鎮Romsey Town為名,本著『無限心思』,以專業、高質量品牌精神,為全球提供精緻且優質之睡眠。


Microlit-MF77® 輕柔軟棉由多種不同特性之超細、高透氣科技纖維組成。經由德國HOHENSTEIN INSTITUTES DIN EN 31092及瑞士TESTEX ISO 11092國際認證,其纖細之細緻度、保溫度及透氣度特強,可與95/5天然羽絨媲美,同時更具有天然羽絨的柔軟手感。Microlite-MF77®在55年前,即通過德國軍方全面測試,更被選定為製造高端棉被及睡袋及軍袍之指定用棉,品質符合軍方嚴格要求:輕盈、舒適、保暖。

 About Microlit-MF77®
The Microlit-MF77® uses different types of premium hollowfiber materials, imported from Seoul, which is top quality supple hollow polyester filament; it is light and soft, feels like down and silk. Microlit-MF77® has been certified by German HOHENSTEIN INSTITUTES DIN EN 31092 & Swiss TESTEX ISO 11092 and selected to manufacture duvet cover, sleeping bags and gowns for the military uses, in Germany. Microlit-MF77® softness is a legend, and perhaps it is the most compelling feature. It shows superior thermal resistance, water-vapourresistance and permeability and more stable than natural fiber (silk, down)

英國 金安德森 Kinloch Anderson (香港市場)


About Kinloch Anderson
Kinloch Anderson has been located in Edinburgh, Scotland's Capital City since 1868 and is now a many faceted business of the highest repute with a strong brand name and image worldwide.
The acknowledged experts and leaders in Kilts, Tartans and Highland Dress, both as manufacturers and retailers.
Licensors for a wide range of high quality menswear, womenswear, childrenswear, accessories and other merchandise - all majoring on the Kinloch Anderson brand name and the lifestyle associated with it.
Designers and producers of Corporate Tartans, Clothing and Gifts and offer Contemporary Business wear, for companies and organizations wanting to project their own identity through clothing, accessories, corporate gifts and promotional display.
Manufacturers and suppliers of high quality clothing and accessories.

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